
Profiles of Success

Airline/Cruise Ships, Builder/Construction, Cattle/Farming/Ranching


We are Real and Sherri LeBeuf, residing in Olympia, Washington. Our backgrounds vary; Sherri’s is in the airline industry while mine is in construction and ranching. We each worked our respective jobs for a few years until the need arose to care for my mother, who suffered from both Alzheimer’s and cancer. We had amassed huge debts by this time but were determined NOT to file bankruptcy! I had worked my PPLSI business for a few years, so I already knew this would be a big help to us. We leaned on our deep religious faith as well!

One day, Sherri listened to a recorded training from a Super Saturday that I had brought home; it was about the 10 Core Commitments, and THAT became the true start of our PPLSI journey! From that day forward, we deciding to commit fully! Through our hard work and dedication, we were able to build our business for the next four years. We were able to plan our schedule which allowed us to spend quality time with my mom before she died. This would not have been possible without PPLSI and our Heavenly Father! The one staple to our business plan is networking. Before the pandemic hit in 2020, the ability to connect with people from all over, both online and in person, was tantamount to our success. Drawing people to our website, we’d hold weekly meetings, luncheons, trainings and major events. Currently, we connect primarily through Zoom meetings and telephone calls. Being a part of the PPLSI family has allowed Sherri and I to have a wonderful life. Debts no longer control us; we are able to live comfortably, travel and enjoy time with our family. We are the proud parents of three grown children and two beautiful grandchildren, and they all enrich our lives immensely. The accomplishments we have gained under PPLSI deserve honorable mention: in 2006 and 2007 we received Top Recruiter awards; in 2007, we earned the $200,000 Ring; we have an 8,000 Production Achievement Award for individual sales; and we’re members of the Millionaire Club. In addition, we’ve earned memorable company trips, twice to Atlantis. We had the opportunity to dine with our company founders, Harland and Shirley Stonecipher. Recently, I had the pleasure of sitting in first class behind our CEO and his wife on a return trip from Cancun. Definitely, a time to remember!

For a new associate coming into the PPLSI family, my advice would be to hold onto your faith and practice the art of the six D’s: diligent daily disciplines determine desires and dreams! Then leave the rest up to the Lord! This concept especially helps those who think they must know everything to get started, but little do they know, you’ve got to get started to know everything!

My goals for this year are to increase sales and practice discernment. We’re so grateful to have a partnership with our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, in our business endeavors and every aspect of our lives. This is the TRUE secret to our success!